Design your own custom t-shirts or decorate our vast range of premium stock shirts. Perfect as team uniforms, corporate giveaways, promotional merchandise, or to add to your product range. Get a quote today!
Choose from our range of stock t-shirts and decorate them however you want. You can feature your logo or personal design through our different personalisation options. Minimum order quantity is 10 pcs.
Build your own custom t-shirts from scratch. Design your way to your very own tees through our custom printed / sublimated fabric cut and sewn to your specifications! Minimum order quantity is 10 pcs.
Custom Decorated Shirts
Choose a tee from our range of available stock below and send us your logo and design instructions. We will then send you a complimentary mock-up artwork to approve. Then just wait 2 weeks for your very own custom t-shirts to arrive on your doorsteps. It’s that easy!
Minimum order quantity is only 10 pcs. Personalisation options include screen print, digital print, direct embroidery, embroidered patch, 3D embroidery, leather patch, PVC patch and woven patch.
Enquire now!

Custom Made Tees
We create custom t-shirts for all occasions. Whether they are to be used as warm-up gears, statement apparel for your team, or something to add to your clothing line, we got you covered.
You can develop your very own custom tees from scratch. You have 100% design freedom on how you want your shirts to look like – from the fabric you want to use down to the design details.
Production time is 3-4 weeks. Minimum order quantity is still 10 pcs.
Enquire now!